I know that this is a medical condition called gynecomastia. And yes, I can take the route of talking about how sad it is that there are men who go through the psychological and emotional torture of having to endure something like this. BUT COME ON! That's not why you are reading my blog. If the picture offends you, navigate away from this site immediately.
I think that most men have MOOBS because they are fat or were fat and out of shape. To these men, I say to get on a treadmill pronto and do some push ups. Your secret might be safe in the winter when you can cover yourself up with a thick sweater most likely knit by a close female relative, specifically grandmothers who love you no matter what.
I'm going to let you in on a secret. Women know. We know. And you know deep down that the reason why the same women who were calling you in the winter have suddenly disappeared or are too busy for you. That's right... warm weather. You can't hide your MOOBS. The double t-shirt thing just doesn't work. Go ahead put on three for all I care. Wearing t-shirts in the pool or in the ocean is even worse. Wet t-shirts have a way of clinging to your (ahem) curves.
I bet you are really nice and funny in your own way. I'm sure that there is a woman out there who is a 1 or even a 4 who might want to be with you because you are really nice and sweet.(http://uvtblog.com/2009/01/keeping-it-real-the-real-scale-of-1-10/)
Be forewarned that by procreating with them you are effectively removing any trace of yourselves from the gene pool. Do yourselves a favor and go to the gym. We want to see you out there with your shirt off proudly displaying your pecs not MOOBS, playing shirtless ultimate frisbee or basketball.