So Slick Rick was dating a whole bunch of girls at the same time. (I don't mind this actually, we all need to to do this to optimize our free time in searching for Mr./ Ms. Right.) The catch is he started dating my sister, the Super Sleuth. They had had a talk about being upfront and honest and about each other's dating situation from the start so she assumed that Slick Rick would comply. Not so. On their most recent date night, he was obnoxiously texting a mystery person back and forth. (Suspicious? Yes.) Then as soon they got back to his place, he said he needed to go out and get some milk? That was completely understandable because he drinks a lot of it.
Call it a woman's intutition or her super Sherlock Holmes skills but she was compelled to check his refrigerator to see if he actually had milk. Turns out he did.... and that it was 2/3 full .... and its expiration date was a full month from that day. Hmmmm... even more suspicious is the fact that he ran back into the apt without the milk saying he forgot his wallet. He is not an absentminded type of guy so if his sole purpose for going out was to buy milk, why would he leave his wallet behind but take his phone?
DUH! What an idiot!!!