For the first time in a long time I got my body fat measured by my new personal trainer, Emile, who trained four of the contestants from last season's Biggest Loser show. I am officially on the "fit" side meaning that my body fat is between 15-20%. This totally threw me by surprise. I have never thought of myself as fit, maybe thin, definitely not fit. (Mental note to quite smoking once and for all!)
I am flashing back to when I was called Sumo Susan. I was 10 yrs old and overweight and I could call Ronald McDonald and Burger King my 2nd and 3rd best friends (Jane was and always will be my first BFF). I remember Mr. Poter (our gym teacher) measuring the body fat of everyone in gym class with the pinch test because our school was participating in the Presidential Physical Challenge. I was a whopping 32% (no pun intended). I didn't think much of it back then because I didn't know what was healthy. I had no concept of what was healthy and you know what, he never told us!
My parents showed me love through food and all I wanted was the international chicken fillet sandwich, fries, and the paper Burger King crown. The bonus was making my own drink concontions from the free refills on the fountain drinks. So the only thing I gained (no pun intended again) was my love for food. Even though it is officially cool to be a gastrophile or foodie, I have always been and will be a food lover. I think it is because I was born with extra-sensative taste buds. I've been judging every meal I've had with my previous one my whole life and I can relate how I feelings with all the foods I have eaten. If you ask me what I thought of the merguez at the facy restaurant in Morocco, I will say it was just ok and list out what was right about it and waht could have better. My first and foremost sensual taste experience was when I had my first bite of the supreme pizza from Chris' Pizzeria in East Rutherford, I think I must have been 8 yrs old. I was born to be a foodie because now I can taste anything and recreate it, make it my own. I digress, because my philosophy and passion for food deserves a post of its own.
Back to 2008, so working out definitely has its rewards. I feel better mentally and physically and all the extra neuroses I had pent up in my head have now been replaced by the slow burn in my hamstrings from the high leg kicks. It's so liberating to have a strong body. It is absolutely empowering. Who cares what I look like?! I can punch, punch, duck, punch, punch, high kick. That's right, I am kickboxing and once I rent and watch Ong Bak again, I am going to be a peaceful but potentially dangerous ass kicking machine.
You betta watch yo'self, before you wreck yo'self or just give me a hug and let's call it even.