1. I'd like them to not give my number to their friends for their eligible sons or hand me a piece of paper with someone's number or email scrawled on it. What the hell am I supposed to do with it.
So AWKWARD! "Hi, this is so-and-so's daughter, Susan. It seems as if our parents are out to make a match for us so we can make a village of Korean babies. Let's go!"
2. I'd like them to not point out the imperfections on my face and pretend like they've never seen them before.
Example 1: I have a bump on the left side of my nose, which is even more pronounced because of my tan. My dad asked if I was punched in the nose. (I'm not kidding.) Now that I was acutely aware of this physical defect than ever in my entire life, my mom came in and said that I'd always had it and that the imperfection had been passed down recessively from my dad's side of the family. Apparently, my uncle has the same bump on his nose.
Example 2: My mom and dad have both commented on how dark my complexion was after coming back from Thailand and suggested I go wash my face, because they thought it was dirt. I saw them again after showering and they suggested I use a skin lightening lotion. BWAHAHAHA!
I love them though and their raw honesty. How could I not?
Only loving parents would go out of their way to solicit friends and be watchful of my eggs getting older. Only loving parents would peer at my face with knitted brows and indirectly warn me of a possible recessive flaw I may pass down to future children and the damaging effects of the sun. I have to laugh because I love that they are the way they are.