Thursday, March 26, 2009

ENTJ - The Field Marshal


The other night, Jane went out on a date with a prototypical Type A. The Myers Brigg's personality assessment would put him in the upper right quadrant. I took the test on , which is a condensed version of the MB.

Turns out -- you guessed it! I am a Field Marshall. I think there are only 2-3% of us out there. I think it has to do with limiting the gene pool with pushy demanding people. Field Marshals are just that... they like to marshal the field - they like structure and organization and they like to be bossy and think they are always right. They have feelings but don't respond to them, more often than not, ENTJ's repress them.

Now imagine a world full of these types of people -- we'd always be fighting with each other -- getting nothing done at all. What we need are soldiers to carry out our plans... reach our goals.. get the job done...and you better not question the orders.

Are ENTJ's doomed to never find people to relate to on a personal level? I'm guessing you need to know what your feelings are to relate to other's feelings right? To make it even tougher for the ENTJ's, there are more S/F's than Thinking/Judging types. It all sounds Greek to me when people tell me how they feel. I'm always trying to find a solution to my friends' problems when they tell me they are sad, depressed, etc. I can't just let them stay that way for an extended time or else I get frustrated and want to run for the nearest exit. With me, they get 30 min max to talk about their problems and I get to find a solution for them -- plan next steps, conflict resolution, strategy, etc.

How typically ENTJ of me but I have a solution for this problem already. Here it is...

If I am to get along with others and play nice... I'm supposed to develop my N(intuitive)side. So I will try to just "know" when I am being overbearing or else will someone please put me in check and just tell me? I am going to try to "know" when people need to be in their depressed states or just be left alone. AND FOR THE LOVE OF JESUS, I will listen to my gut when it says I should back off. And I will listen more and try to commiserate and empathize with people.

This is going to be a tough year for me.... I am going to do 5 unassisted pull ups and be more sensitive to people's feelings? Sounds like a plan to me!

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