Saturday, January 23, 2010

Haiti is not a popularity contest

For Israelis, Mixed Feelings on Aid Effort

I am disappointed by the position that Israel's leaders who feel they will be quickly forgotten for being the first to send help to Haiti. Isn't the point to actually provide aid and medical relief to Haiti's victims not to seek recognition for it?

I didn't realize that sending aid to Haiti was a popularity contest. It's like Miss America saying, 'I want to save all of Africa's babies' to the question 'What would you do if you were Miss America?'

Shame on you--- Israeli leaders!

As I was watching CNN's coverage on Haiti, it was heart warming to see that the first baby delivered after the disaster was at an Israeli medical center. The mother named her newborn Israel in honor of the country who was first to send medical aid and safely deliver her child among the devastation.

I applaud that Israel was one of the first countries to send medical help.
Disasters will never cease to arise and all countries should follow in its example. Perhaps Israel can be the nation to lead all other countries in first response disaster relief training and deployment so that countries that can help will provide it more quickly and effectively.

If it were up to me I'd give Israel 10 gold stars but then take half of them away because it was being a demanding brat.

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