1. The thought of a dude's gyrating crotch in my face to Geunwine or Usher or Justin or they might go old school and gyrate to Toni, Tony, Tone... or the Thong Song. Thong th-thong thong thong.
2. The thought of the above with some of the people we are going with-- including overweight transvestites -- think of John Waters' Hairspray, Ricki Lake's mom... Mama Turnblad. They def do not look like the ladyboys I met in Thailand.
3. I might have to sit through my own lapdance. What if something happens... like mid-dance.. the dancer gets too close and beaded butt sweat is flung on to my face.
I'm kinda scared but I just love how weird this is going to get. Bwahahaha!