Friday, January 09, 2009

You don't gotta go home but you gotta get the hell up on outta here!

I'm talking about the pity party for one I've been at for the past few days. There are a million reasons why I thought I should be there: I caught the flu, winter in NY, the recession, lack of direction in my career, uncertainty about whether I wanted to stay in NY, etc, etc, etc, ad nauseum.

I was celebrating BY MYSELF with my Debbie Downer tiara firmly placed on my crown of uncombed hair, slow-dancing to a loop of Celine Dion's "All BY MYSELF" in semi-darkness. Mood lighting provided by the glow of the television set to VH1's Rock of Love. Drinks provided by I-don't-know-what-flavor-green-is-but-I-think-Vick's-calls-it-original-flavored Nyquil.

Mid-dance, my ego flips on the light switch. Goddamn egos! They ruin everything! I was just getting into the chorus again (for the 6th time). The bossy, opinionated loudmouth that she is told me to get out of my stinky sick clothes and take a freaking shower. So here I am at work today, clean and feeling fresh and i think i'm looking kinda hot in an casual workwear way.

Big shout out to my overblown know-it-all newyawker ego who can 3 finger snap me back to reality. I thank thee for not letting thyself wallow and despair as queen of Loserdom!

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