Patty and Selma are the twin older sisters of Marge Simpson (born Bouvier).
-smoke like chimneys
-live together
-love their pets like they were their children
-have both dated their fair share of crazy men (including Sideshow Bob, the former homicidal sidekick to Krusty the Clown)
Final analysis: They are embittered old maids who never found love perhaps because they always had each other's companionship.
Jane and I are the older twin sisters of our sister Amy. She is informally engaged to her boyfriend of 8 years.
-smoke like chimneys (sometimes.... more when we are stressed, less when we are not)
-don't live together, but are planning to move in together next year
-both love Juno (the 1/2 Pomeranian, 1/2 Bichon Frisee who has four names: Juno (her proper name), Jin-Young (her Korean name), Peanut (her nickname) and Dang Kong (the Korean word for Peanut)
-are good at choosing just the wrong type of guy to commit to.
Final Analysis: Inconclusive but God help us if I am right about this!!